Mac settled into a comfortable squatting position; his eyes, gleaming very blue in his handsome dark face, surveyed the planks, then came to rest frankly on Gerald. Momentarily he squinted, cat-like. He was in no hurry to begin work. For a few moments Gerald stood motionless and uncomfortable-for him it was the kind of situation he had vaguely dreamed of being in with Mac-he recognized what the situation might offer. He was very fond of Mac; but, as he had never allowed himself more than a conventional expression of this feeling, he didn't really know how to bridge the gap between what was established and what was not. And so to cover his uneasiness he turned away and began measuring planks. He told Mac how many planks were needed. Mac took off his jacket and set to work with gusto, while Gerald watched. With quick strong jabs with one foot he sent plank after plank falling into the room below. He felt good this morning and he enjoyed the feeling of his own strength as the nails in the planks came loose under the blows of his foot. As he worked he wondered why Gerald was always a little reserved-they could be much better friends, he thought, if Gerald weren't so standoffish. On the other hand he was pleased to know that Gerald watched him with admiration. With this pleasing thought in mind he continued to work with almost dream-like ease. Gerald did enjoy watching. He observed the full flowing curves plainly revealed in the chiaroscuro light and shadow. How often before he had observed these curves but it wasn't all pleasure: he felt that beauty seen is beauty half-known. After a few minutes he made an excuse to climb down from the attic. Below he busied himself by further examining the house. Then he sat upon a bale of hay below the hatch and waited. "What a nice romantic setting," he thought. "The fresh-smelling hay, the soft light. It's the kind of place where something really nice and rustic should happen." Soon Mac was finished in the attic. He leaped down through the hatch. Standing close beside Gerald he smiled and said jauntily, "I've worked a sweat up!" His smile got lost and he added matter-of-factly, "I'd better put my jacket on before I go out into the cold." It was a long and uncomfortable moment for Gerald. He thought, "The only damned thing I can do, gracefully, is to observe the moment's passing." Which was what he did. They loaded the planks on the pickup and drove back toward civilization. The morning was past. Gerald argued silently with himself and Mac's face composed itself between the faint shadow of a frown and a slight pout.

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